Sunday, February 28, 2010

Question #34

Identify. Why is it so special?

Correct answers by iamayush and aviral

Answer: This is the post office at Dakshin Gangotri in Antartica. It is the first Indian post office located outside India. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Question #33

Sitter for tech geeks.
Identify him and the thing he is holding in his hands.

Ans: Its K R Shridhar holding "Bloom Box"

Friday, February 26, 2010

Question #32


Cracked by aviralshrivastava
Ans: Dextrocardia, a congenital defect in which the heart is situated on the right side of the body, is a very rare disorder and is believed to occur to 1 in 12000 people.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Question #30

Hint: It took a man 13 years more to achieve the same feat she had achieved.
Cracked by all who tried!!
Answer: Quoting iamayush: "This is Belinda Clark , who scored the first double hundred in ODI's against Denmark , in December 1997 ."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Question #29

He is the co-founder of a well known company of Swedish origin. Identify him.
Cracked correctly by The Novice
Answer: Ruben Rausing, co-founder of Tetra Pak. Notice he is holding Tetra Pak products in his hands!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Question #28

Simple one.
X was first built by American Bantam in Butler, Pennsylvania for US Army Quartermaster Corps.

There are many explanations of the origin of the word X
It has been said that it carried the designation "GP", which phonetically became the word X

Many, suggest that soldiers at the time were so impressed with it that they informally named it after "Y the X", a character in the Popeye cartoons.

Identify X and Y.

Correctly answered by everyone. Highlight to view answer.
Answer: X = Jeep Y = Eugene

Monday, February 22, 2010

Question #27

He won 5 olympic medals for swimming. But he is better known for another reason. Who is he and what is his other claim to fame.

Cracked by Kaushik and SLG.
Answer: As quoted by SLG "Johnny Weissmuller.
He was a terrific actor and was famous for his role of 'Tarzan' in films,probably he played it best."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Question #26

What is so special about them? It is for that very specialty that you will find them together somewhere else too. Where?

Complete Answer by Kaushik although Anish and Sourav Ray's answers were partly correct.

Answer: The Emu and the Kangaroo can be found on the Australian coat of arms (and hence on Baggy green too!). The reason they are there is because they can't walk backwards (signifying progress).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Question #25


Answer: Mr. Zip introduced by the US post office department to encourage general public to include ZIP code in all mailings.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Question #24


Answer: Auroville City

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Question #23

Barber, berry, curry, liar, grandfather.
What are these?

Answer: These are some famous paradoxes

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Question # 22

The two pictures on the left should be enough.
Click image to enlarge.

Went uncracked, though Kaushik came close.
Answer: Battle of the sexes.
Top Left is a picture of a game "Battle of the Sexes" used in the game theory.
Bottom Left is Billy Jean King winning the "Battle of the sexes" game.
Third is of a pop singer Ludacris whose album "Battle of the sexes" will release soon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Question # 21

Especially for cyber geeks

Answer: Unreleased versions of Microsoft Windows (Nashville, Neptune, Cairo)
              Anticlockwise from top right : Nashville, Neptune, Cairo

Monday, February 15, 2010

Question #20

Elementary. Identify.

Went uncracked!
Answer: Sidney Paget
He is best known for the illustrations that accompanied Sherlock Holmes in The Strand magazine. Although it is widely rumored that he based Holmes' appearance on that of his brother, Walter - his brother Henry Marriott has categorically denied it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Question #19

Id the two kids. What is their claim to fame

Cracked by Gokul. Partially cracked by Arun Mallya and Kaushik.
Answer: Charlie (left) and Harry (right) in the Youtube's most viewed video "Charlie bit my finger .. again".

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Question #18

You could add more to these (but not many). What do all of them have in common?

Correctly cracked by Kaushik
Answer: Two letter domain names.,,,,, and

Friday, February 12, 2010

Question #17

Too Simple
"Hey, if you get to be on my cover, can I be on the dollar bill?"
Who says whom?

P.S: Googling is crime

Correctly answered by Mridul and Kaushik
Ans: Quoting Kaushik " Spider Man to Obama
Image from Amazing Spider-Man #583 featuring President-Elect Barack Obama. "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Question #16

Ans: Slim Fast

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Question #15

Identify the brand which is being advertised.

HINT: What year?

P.S: I guess we were getting too much biased towards Entertainment question. So here is a Biz question. Look closely at the ad. Click to enlarge it if required.

Correctly cracked by Kaushik
Answer: Gillette: Official Sponsor of the FIFA World Cup since Spain'82

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Question #14

Yet another connect.

I didn't try to doctor the photos much. All you have to tell me is - Who can be heard in the first as well as the second pictures?

Highlight to view Hint.
BIG HINT: You don't have to look for the answer!

Answer: Humphrey Bogart

His voice in Casablanca can be heard in "Yet Another Movie" which is from the album "In a Momentary Lapse of Reason".

Monday, February 8, 2010

Question #14

The symptom shown below is more commonly known as..
Hint: Its not "old age" :P

Answer: Popeye's Muscle

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Question #13

How would you connect the two? Give full funda.

Highlight to view answer
Answer: Characters of The Magic Mountain

The man in the first picture is Fredric Tuten who published Tintin in the New World. This book re-employs the characters from the book The Magic Mountain which was written by the man in the second picture - Thomas Mann.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Question #12

Simple one.
What has been used to make this work of art?

Answer: Rubik's Cube

Friday, February 5, 2010

Question #11

Ample clues in the pictures. Should be a cake-walk!

Answer: Ba ba Black Sheep
(Clockwise from top left): Notes of Nursery rhyme Ba Ba Black Sheep, Marine attack squadron 214 also known as Black Sheep (Their exploits inspired the television series Ba Ba Black Sheep), Three Bags Full(From the nursery rhyme), Black Sheep (Hip hop group).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Question #10

Answer: Babel Fish
The first picture is of a band named "Babel fish",
Second is "The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" where babel fish is mentioned as the "universal translator"
Yahoo's translate tool is called babel fish.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Question #9

Simple one, I guess.

Cracked correctly by Harsh, V.Chandrashekhar and Kaushik
Answer: Non-Alignment Movement 

Nehru of India, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Nassar of Egypt, Sukharno of Indonesia and Tito of Yugoslavia - the co-founders of Non-Alignment Movement in the first picture.

The member nations of NAM in the second picture.

The logo of NAM in the third picture.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Question #8

Identify these infamous men. Also connect them.

Cracked correctly by Kaushik and Arun Mallya.
Anwer: Quoting Kaushik - "Muntadar al-Zaidi and Jarnail Singh, who threw shoes at George Bush and P. Chidambaram respectively".

Monday, February 1, 2010

Question #7


Answered correctly by Kaushik
Answer: (clockwise from top left) Kirk Alyn, George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, Brandon Routh and Dean Cain . All Have played Superman in movies or TV series